WaterMicronWorld News

Air2WaterTech Africa
Air2WaterTech Africa Technology, produce Pure Drinking Water from the Air we all Breathe!
Air2WaterTech Africa, Atmospheric Water Generators remove more dangerous contaminants than any other purification method, and they are uniquely designed to work with municipally treated water plus make pure drinking water from the air we breathe. The water they produce is not subject to phthalate contamination, and they are able to remove cryptosporidium from drinking water, a feat that neither municipal water treatment plants nor bottled water companies have yet managed.
Also, Atmospheric Water Generators is a much more economical than drinking bottled water. Air2WaterTech Africa, Atmospheric Water Generators units costs very little to produce pure drinking water.
Furthermore, because Air2WaterTech Atmospheric Water Generators uses no more energy than is already required to propel water through a home's plumbing system, they circumvent several of the environmental problems of the bottled water industry, said Mr. Jody Wilscott.
The population of the world continues to increase, yet the clean and drinkable water supply continues to decrease. Throughout history, humans have always looked down while looking for a source for their water needs. They have always extracted from holes in the ground, wells, ponds, lakes, rivers, and aquifers. All of these sources have one thing in common, which is that we are taking water out faster than nature can replace it.
Air2WaterTech Africa brings an ecologically friendly and new source of pure drinking water to industry, businesses and home users alike.
Air2WaterTech Africa provides truly affordable, state-of-the-art technology that is easy to operate and maintain. The technology taps into a water source that does not place more demands on Mother Earth–Pure water from the air we breathe!
At this point in time, there is simply no better choice-for purity and economy-than;
Air2WaterTech Africa “Atmospheric Water Generators”
"Every Drop Counts"

Cryptocurrency World Bank Launched WaterCoin "Life" 2021
The future of economic operations and transactions worldwide is having a firm change supported in blockchain technology, especially due to the ease, transparency and security that they bring to the market, which implies a significant saving of time and operational costs. Therefore, cryptocurrencies and tokens allow greater agility and freedom in any commercial transaction, be it local or international, infinitely increasing business opportunities for its users.
With these new and better market conditions, governments, investors, entrepreneurs and consumers will be increasingly motivated to use cryptocurrencies to carry out their operations, increasing the number of users exponentially.
On the other hand, one of the business opportunities with the highest growth worldwide has to do with satisfying the demand for drinking water, becoming the second commodity in the market and one of the main sectors for the development of comprehensive businesses where the generation of wealth goes hand in hand with the generation of social welfare in the communities benefited by sustainable projects.
That is why a group of entrepreneurs and investors supported and backed by the
Cryptocurrency World Bank have proposed in the launch of WATERCOIN, the water currency "LIFE", a cryptocurrency for the promotion, financing, development, and operation of economic, socially acceptable, environmentally friendly projects.
The operational and security advantages provided by blockchain technology and the support of assets in natural resources will position WATERCOIN as one of the main cryptocurrencies that globally activate the economy and promote the conservation of the natural resources of our planet Earth.
They are distributed as follows:
Water as a renewable natural resource and the investments made by the group led by Cryptocurrency World Bank in the drinking water sector, allow consolidating an asset to solidly support WATERCOIN; added to the technological and market advantages of Blockchains, an opportunity is generated for humanity in which everyone in the
medium term has access to drinking water, “no one without water”.
WATERCOIN will be a cryptoactive backed by natural water reserves and issued by CRYPTOCURRENCY WORLD BANK on a platform based on BLOCKCHAIN, its launch will be a before and after in the global economy and in environmentally sustainable development projects.

How Atmospheric Water Generator Works 2021
WaterMicronWorld is the leader in the manufacture, marketing, and distribution of highly advanced atmospheric water generators that extract the moisture from the air and converts it into clean, pure drinking water. Water, essential for all aspects of life, is the world’s most valuable commodity and is becoming increasingly scarce.
The population of the world continues to increase, yet the clean and drinkable water supply continues to decrease. Throughout history, humans have always looked down while looking for a source for their water needs. They have always extracted from holes in the ground, wells, ponds, lakes, rivers, and aquifers. All of these sources have one thing in common, which is that we are taking water out faster than nature can replace it.
WaterMicronWorld International brings an ecologically friendly and new source of pure drinking water to industry, businesses and home users alike. WaterMicronWorld International provides truly affordable, state-of-the-art technology that is easy to operate and maintain. The technology taps into a water source that does not place more demands on Mother Earth–Pure water from the air we breathe!
This home/office atmospheric water generator machine is a humidity and temperature-driven self-contained unit making water from the air.
The AWG-90HK generates up to 30 liters of pure drinking water per day depending on the specific atmospheric conditions of a particular geographic region.
WaterMicronWorld International AWG-88HK simply replaces the need to rely on municipal water systems, transport, storage and consumption of bottled water.
This machine can reliably manufacture pure fresh drinking water in environmental humidity levels as low as 25%. WaterMicronWorld International AWG-88HK is the solution for a growing demand to supply safe and pure drinking water worldwide.
The solution is to extract water from a new source, one that is plentiful, renewable and accessible to most people around the world. WaterMicronWorld International is committed to provide pure drinking water around the world to all those people that need it most and to provide critical emergency pure drinking water to first responders, relief agencies and government institutions.
WaterMicronWorld International Atmospheric Water Generators, AWG-C Series units can generate from 60, 100, 160, 200, 250, 500, 1,000, 1200, 1500, 3000, 5000, 10,000 and 20,000 liters of pure drinking water per day. Our unique compact systems are ideal for Hotels, Schools, Office buildings, Housing developments, Hospitals, Marine and small Municipal applications.

Atmospheric Water Generators (AWG) Water From Air Expected to reach USD 9.3 billion by 2022-2024..
Declining availability of freshwater and depleting water resources coupled with growing infrastructure development is expected to increase demand for freshwater for industrial as well as drinking purposes. This factor is anticipated to drive the atmospheric water generator market size for the next seven years.
The per capita water availability has fallen significantly during the past decade. During the period between 1993 and 1997 global average per capita availability of water from renewable sources stood at 25042.5 m3/ person/ year; it declined to 19684.2 m3/ person/ year during the period 2007 to 2012, a decline of 21.4%.
It is currently estimated to 19422.3 m3/ person/ year. Rising temperatures coupled with scanty rainfall has led to drying of river beds and lakes causing water shortage. In addition, growing industrialization and infrastructure development, particularly in developing countries, has led to water scarcity. This factor is also likely to drive the atmospheric water generator market demand.
Government policies and initiatives such as Safe Drinking Water Act in the US, Drinking Water Directive in the EU nations, DWQS in Japan and National Rural Drinking Water Program in India are all aimed at supporting AWG market growth by ensuring safe potable water availability for the populace. According to WHO statistics, over 50% of global pollution is affected by water-borne diseases. As a result, water generated through AWG systems is an effective alternative providing contaminant-free water by condensing filtered air through various filtration processes.
High amount of electricity required for AWG systems such as dehumidifier, evaporator, and condenser makes it a non-feasible option in some regions with high electricity costs. Greenhouse gases (GNG) emission released by coal or another non-renewable form of energy posses’ threat to the environment. Investment in research to develop low cost and clean technology is likely to open new growth avenues for the AWG market.
Product Analysis
Cooling condensation was the dominant machine type and generated revenue estimated at over USD 750 million in 2014. Higher output efficiency coupled with the widespread availability of these machines contributed to its dominant share. Technology innovation related to reducing power consumption coupled with manufacturing machines with on-board power supply is likely to drive cooling condensation systems.
Wet desiccation machines consisted of over 2500 units globally in 2014 and are likely to grow at significant rates with more than 40% CAGR from 2015 to 2022. Technology upgrade related to replacement of crystalline brine salt with liquid brine in order to improve humidity extraction from the air is anticipated to increase demand over the next seven years.
Application Analysis
Residential atmospheric water generator market witnessed the largest installation of these systems with a total number of consolidated installations crossing 100,000 units in 2014. Increasing consumer awareness regarding the technology befits from these systems are likely to drive atmospheric water generator market growth in residential applications.
Industrial applications accounted for more than 25% of the total demand and are likely to witness growth rates at an estimated CAGR of over 37% from 2015 to 2022. They are primarily employed in Oil & Gas industries particularly in the Middle East an industry which requires water output of over 20,000gallons/day.
Regional Analysis
Asia Pacific, driven by Thailand and China atmospheric water generator market size, was the dominant region valuation of over USD 400 million in 2014. Increasing residential & commercial spending in regions such as India, UAE, Philippines, South Africa, and Indonesia is likely to drive regional demand. Factors such as the presence of a vast number of component manufacturers coupled with availability of low manufacturing & labor costs is also likely to fuel demand.
Middle East & Africa (MEA) atmospheric water generator market share accounted for more than 27% of the total demand in 2014 and is likely to witness highest gains at a CAGR of over 38% up to 2022. Fresh water reserve deficits in the region coupled with high investments cost for installing desalination plants is likely to drive AGY system demand in MEA.
Competitive Market Share
The global atmospheric water generator market share is characterized by numerous component suppliers responsible for supplying parts for manufacturing atmospheric water generator. These manufacturers source parts including water level indicators, temperature and pressure sensors, condensers, evaporators, and compressors.
WaterMicronWorld International AWG-88HK simply replaces the need to rely on municipal water systems, transport, storage and consumption of bottled water.
This machine can reliably manufacture pure fresh drinking water in environmental humidity levels as low as 25%. WaterMicronWorld International AWG-88HK is the solution for a growing demand to supply safe and pure drinking water worldwide.
The solution is to extract water from a new source, one that is plentiful, renewable and accessible to most people around the world. WaterMicronWorld International is committed to provide pure drinking water around the world to all those people that need it most and to provide critical emergency pure drinking water to first responders, relief agencies and government institutions.

Water Crisis:
30 Amazing Facts About Water Pollution
Water pollution is the second most imperative environmental concern along with air pollution. It occurs when pollutants (particles, chemicals or substances that make water contaminated) are discharged directly or indirectly into water bodies without enough treatment to get rid of harmful compounds.
Water is, perhaps, the most precious resource available on the planet. For a large amount of life to exist on Earth, access to fresh water is crucial. Despite the fact that water comprises more than 70 percent of the planet’s surface, only about 2.5 percent of this water can be qualified as “fresh.”
Water pollution has become a growing concern over the last decade as more and more waste is being disposed of in our oceans, rivers and lakes. Water pollution has adverse consequences for all life forms. The disposal of sewage and domestic garbage in rivers, lakes and oceans is harming aquatic life and causing water borne diseases.
Frequent oil spills in oceans kills thousands of birds and fishes every year.
Lack of proper treatment facilities and negligence of human beings have made water resources harmful for our use….
Here are 30 amazing facts about water pollution that might impress you:
Fact 1 : About two million tons of sewage is dumped into the world’s water bodies daily. Annually, 14 billion pounds of garbage containing mostly plastic is thrown into the world’s oceans, causing large-scale destruction of marine life.
Fact 2 : Aquatic animals have faced an estimated extinction rate five times more than that of terrestrial animals.
Fact 3 : At least 70% of lakes and rivers in China are polluted, and more than half are too polluted for human use. The Yangtze River, China’s largest and the world’s third-largest river, is inundated with approximately 25 billion tons of sewage and industrial refuge.
Fact 4 : Water pollution kills around 10,000 people around the world every day – that’s 3.6 million people every year…
Fact 5 : At least 320 million people in China do not have access to clean drinking water.
Fact 6 : 14 billion pounds of garbage mostly plastic, is dumped into the ocean every year.
Fact 7 : The Ganges river in India is one of the most polluted in the world. It contains sewage, trash, food, and animal remains.
Fact 8 : 1.3 million gallons of oil is spilled into the ocean every year;
Fact 9 : Only 12% of oil that is leaked into the ocean is the result of spills – the rest comes from land
Fact 10 : 80% of the water pollution is caused due to domestic sewage like throwing garbage on open ground and water bodies.
Fact 11 : Asia has a maximum numbers of polluted rivers than anywhere else in the world. Most of it contains bacteria created from human waste.
Fact 12 : About 700 million people worldwide drink contaminated water.
Fact 13 : Aquatic animals have faced an estimated extinction rate five times more than that of terrestrial animals.
Fact 14 : There are more micro-plastics in our oceans than stars in the Milky Way.
Fact 15 : 1% of the plastic we use in our daily lives – the equivalent to 700 billion plastic bottles – ends up in the Oceans.
Fact 16 : The Great Pacific Garbage Patch, a continent made from plastic trash, is thought to be 386,000 square miles, an area bigger than Texas !
Fact 17 : 50% of all sea turtles, 44% of all seabirds, 22% of all cetaceans, and a long list of fish species have already eaten plastics…
Fact 18 : Plastics and water pollution kill more than a million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals every year.
Fact 19 : About 10% of America’s beaches fail to meet the federal benchmark for what constitutes safe swimming water.
Fact 20 : In the United States there are thought to be over 20,000 known abandoned and uncontrolled hazardous waste sites and these sites could contaminate the groundwater if there is a leak.
Fact 21 : Every year, more people die from unsafe water than from all forms of violence, including war.
Fact 22 : Currently, about 40% of the world’s population is facing water scarcity and 1.7 billion are living in river basins where water usage exceeds renewal. Without immediate action, by 2025 half of the world’s population will be experiencing a water shortage, and by 2050 one in four people will be living in a country with an insufficient fresh water supply.
Fact 23 : There are 400 known ‘dead zones’, or areas deprived of oxygen and devoid of life (area between 1 and 70,000 km²) in the world Ocean: this number has doubled every decade since 1960.
Fact 24 : One in 20 adults bathing in water deemed officially “acceptable” (according to current microbial standards) will become ill after a single marine bathing exposure.
Fact 25 : Eating infected shellfish causes 50,000 to 100,000 deaths every year.
Fact 26 : An estimated 1000 children die every day in India due to polluted water.
Fact 27 : Each year 1.2 trillion gallons of untreated sewage, storm-water, and industrial waste are dumped into U.S. waters.
Fact 28 : Cruise ships are also a major source of water pollution. They produce over 200,000 gallons of sewage which is mostly released in the ocean. Apart from that, they are also causing at least 35,000 gallons of water contamination due to the oil spill.
Fact 29 : 20% of the groundwater in China is used as drinking water which is highly contaminated with carcinogenic chemicals which cause high levels of water pollution.
Fact 30 : In America 40% of rivers and 46% of the lakes are polluted and unsuitable for swimming, fishing or any other activity.

WaterMicronWorld Mission
Insist Excellence, Create Glory
Over years, the company adheres to scientific and technological innovation road, and constantly strengthens the independent brand of product development and technological innovation. In line with the production concept of excellence, pays attention to cultivate a team with high-quality talents, forms a scientific and efficient management mode, and strictly implements ISO quality control system and obtains certificates of CQC, 3C, CE, TUC, UL, PSE etc.
Since 2000, the company has established a good long term partnership with multinational distributors and agents.
Meanwhile, our technology and products raised awareness to the military at home and abroad.
Parts of our technology products have been recognized by the world’s military.
WaterMicronWorld International development objective is to supply safe & clean drinking water as a responsibility to the world, and to be the leaders of Atmospheric Water Generator Industry.
WaterMicronWorld International will lead the 5th revolution in the human safety and health of drinking water, and prompt the development of technology as its own duty, and continues to play leading role in the “Drinking Water Technology Revolution”.
WaterMicronWorld International has the capacity of producing & manufacture from 20 to 30 thousand units.
How Much Does It Cost To Transport Drinking Water ?